Our vision is that you would Find Your Purpose and become everything God created you to be.
Our passionate pursuit is for every person to KNOW God personally, to GROW in faith, and to GO serve in Jesus’ name.
Our values can be summed up in the great commandment: Love God and Love others. We value the word of God, prayer, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all of the lost and broken, and to lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.
• We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
II Timothy 3:15-17
• We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19; Ephesians 4:4-6
• We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
John 1:1-4; Matthew 1:23; Philippians 2:5-11; Hebrews 1:1-4 & 4:15; Acts 1:11 & 2:22-24; I Corinthians 15:3-4
• We believe that, for the salvation of lost and sinful man, repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ results in regeneration by the Holy Spirit, and that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.
Titus 3:4-7; Luke 24:46-47; Ephesians 2:8-9; John 14:6; Acts 4:12
• We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit whose indwelling enables the Christian to live a godly life in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 5:16-18; Romans 8:9
• We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved unto the resurrection of eternal life and the lost unto the resurrection of damnation and eternal punishment.
Revelation 20:11-15; I Corinthians 15:51-57
• We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ and that all true believers are members of His body, the Church.
Ephesians 1:22-23; I Corinthians 12:12, 27
• We believe that the proclamation of the gospel is a responsibility of both the church and each individual believer.
Romans 10:9-15; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:18-20; I Peter 3:15
We believe that the church has been given two ordinances to practice regularly: Baptism and Communion. Both of these ordiances are physical expressions of spiritual realities we have received in Christ. Baptism is our public confession of having placed our faith in Christ for salvation. By being immersed in water following our salvation we testify of our identification in His death, burial, and resurrection.
The unleavened bread and wine (or grape juice) that we receive at communion is a reminder of what Christ accomplished on the cross. By this we remember His death until He comes again for us.